
BMS "Music in Schools" programme

Our aim is to promote music appreciation amongst young people in Brunei and to support the development of our young talented musicians. To this end we arrange for visiting artists to be involved in the BMS in Schools programme where their schedules permit. It is exciting to see the positive outcomes of this programme both for audience/participants and performers.

The programme takes different forms, according to the preference of the artists and the needs of host schools.

Some examples follow:

  • Recital, mini concert, illustrated talk: artist performs to larger groups;
  • Master class: 3 - 4 young performers give short performances which artist comments on; performers plus observers
  • Workshop: artist works with group of players on set piece or playing technique; players plus observers

Other forms of performance/interaction are also possible. We have even had artists assessing new wind instruments for a school orchestra.

School sessions are between 1 and 1 ½ hours. Venues range from school music room, to school hall, to music school. Schools pay an artist's fee of BND $200.

Music in Schools

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