
Constitution of the Brunei Music Society


The Brunei Music Society
PO Box 1874
Bandar Seri Begawan
BS8673 Brunei Darussalam


The name of the society shall be "The Brunei Music Society"


The object of the Society, which shall be non-profit making, shall be to promote the enjoyment, understanding, performance and study of music of Brunei Darussalam, the ASEAN countries and the rest of the world.


The Society may do all things as may be incidental or conductive to the attainment of its objectives and to that end it may, inter alia, but without affecting the generality of the foregoing:

  1. Acquire, either from its own funds or by borrowing from a bank or other source, own or possess, lease or dispose of movable or immovable property.
  2. Sue and be sued in any court of law in its own name and be represented in any legal proceedings by the Secretary for the time being.


  1. Membership of the Society shall be open to all persons interested in music.
  2. The annual subscription may be adjusted by unanimous decision of all members of the Committee. The membership subscription for the time being shall be B$15.00 per adult member.
  3. Any person joining the Society after 31st December in any year shall pay only half the annual subscription for that season.
  4. No person shall become a member of the Society unless duly elected by a majority of the members of the Committee and a person’s membership of the Society shall terminate if he/she is more than three months in arrears with his/her subscription.


  1. The entire management and control of the Society shall be vested in the Committee, which shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and five members.
  2. The members of the Committee, including the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting in the manner set out in the next-succeeding clause.
    1. Nominations for the Committeee, including the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary, must be signed by two fully paid up members of the Society, and shall be handed to the Secretary at least seven days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
    2. If sufficient nominations are not received, nominations for the remaining number of Committee members can be received from the floor at the Annual General Meeting, subject to clause 5b above.
    3. The election of all members may be by secret ballot.
  3. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt to the Committee not more than five members of the Society in addition to those elected at the Annual General Meeting.
  4. The Committee shall regulate its own procedures which shall, however, as far as practicable adhere to the normally accepted procedures of committees.

Vacancies on the committee

Any vacancy on the Committee during year may be filled by the Committee.


  1. The Committee shall maintain full and proper books of account, and shall present an audited balance sheet and accounts of the previous financial year at the Annual General Meeting.
  2. The Committee shall, at its first meeting after its election, appoint an auditor.
  3. The Secretary or Treasurer shall send accounts for membership fees to all members at least two weeks prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
  4. The funds of the Society shall be banked in the name of the society in a bank to be nominated by the Committee, and the accounts shall be operated under the signature of the following persons - namely the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and the Secretary.
  5. The financial year of the Society shall end on 30th day of June in each year.

General meeting

  1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the months of September or October each year, and at least fourteen days notice of the date, time, and place of the meeting shall be given by posting a copy of the notice to every member of the Society.
  2. The business of the Annual General shall be to:
    1. Amend, if necessary, and confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting, receive and consider a report of the year’s activities presented by the Chairman, and approve and adopt the audited statement of accounts.
    2. Elect a Committee according to the terms of the Constitution; and
    3. Consider any business concerning the affairs of the Society which may be under consideration by said reports or financial statements.
  3. A quorum for Committee shall be five members of the Committee.

Amendment of constitution

  1. No amendments of this Constitution may be made except by resolution passed at a General Meeting and carried by at least two thirds of those members present.
  2. Notice of any resolution to amend or add to this Constitution must be lodged with the Secretary at least ten days before the date of such meeting, and the Secretary shall immediately upon receipt thereof advise members in writing of the terms of the said resolution and that it will be considered at such a meeting.


The Society may not be dissolved except by resolution passed at a General Meeting convened for that purpose and carried by at least two thirds of those members present thereat.

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